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In the new building of the REKU Color company, a wastewater treatment system had to be installed that is both reliable and sustainable. The company therefore has chosen a VACUDEST vacuum distillation system.


REKU Color realizes recirculation of their rinsing water in their powder coating plant

REKU Color saves a lot of CO2, transport and packaging costs with their most modern, fully automatic powder coating plant in Tyrol  this of course also includes the  circulation of rinsing water through a wastewater treatment system from H2O.

REKU has been a pure manufacturing plant for stainless steel parts (60 percent) and sheet steel parts (40 percent) mainly for the pharmaceutical and food industries. Three truckloads of parts were packed, transported, coated externally, packed again and transported back every week - this has now been completely eliminated: REKU Color now coats the parts on site in Radfeld/Tyrol.


Family-run company based in Tyrol with about 20 employees in the coating business as a 100% subsidiary of REKU Produktion & Entwicklung GmbH, in Radfeld with an additional 100 employees.

  • Industries: Surface coating of mainly components for e-mobility, construction and mechanical engineering - but also for private and industrial customers
  • Type of wastewater: Rinsing water from degreasing and chrome-free passivation
  • Location of VACUDEST: REKU Color in Radfeld/Tyrol

This is what our customer says

The new wastewater treatment plant from H2O helps us to manufacture in a sustainable, clean and environmentally friendly way.



The initial situation

During surface treatment prior to powder coating by degreasing or chrome-free passivation, large quantities of rinsing water are required after each process step. This rinsing water must be neutralized and treated directly on site so that heavy metals can be removed and toxic substances eliminated. The goal here is to establish a reliable, automatically operating system that fulfills the requirements of the surface technology and that the process is not compromised due to poor or fluctuating water qualities. Therefore, a sustainable wastewater treatment system had to be put into operation at REKU Color's new plant covering these requirements and reliably treating the wastewater from the new powder coating plant.

During the planning of the new coating plant, reference sites in Bavaria and Austria were visited and the experience of the plant operators was used to get an idea of the process steps and diversity of the processes. Already at this stage, suppliers were sought who could meet the expectations: one of which was indeed H2O GmbH.


The solution

During the reference visits it became clear, that there were also big differences in the proposed solutions. This is where the modularly designed treatment system from the H2O company in Steinen, Baden, came into play: The VACUDEST M 1.500 CC vacuum evaporator system treats the rinsing water from the pretreatment and the deionized water so ideally that it can be reused without hesitation in the various rinsing and process steps. The distillate can be used directly in the rinses - or post-treated via an ion exchanger as DI water of the highest quality saving valuable drinking water.

The contaminants separated during treatment with the VACUDEST are only fractions of the total quantity (< 5 percent) and can thus be collected by the disposal company in a cost-minimized and professional manner.

Vacuum distillation process

In addition to the already mentioned recirculation of the rinse water, the solution offers several other advantages. The neutralized rinsing water is evaporated under vacuum at a temperature of approx. 86°C. The vapor is then pumped through the vapor recompressor where The steam is compressed to ambient pressure and heated to approx. 120°C in the process. This hot steam is then used to heat the incoming feed. Compared to atmospheric evaporation, this saves more than 95% energy. The distillate produced in this way is virtually free of heavy metals and salts and can be reused directly as rinse water in the running process.

H2O innovations improve rinse water quality

In addition to the evaporator core technology, REKU has integrated H2O innovations into the system that further improve the rinse water quality and keep it at a consistently high level. With the help of these modules, REKU Color can produce in a sustainable, eco-friendly and cost-effective manner.

Clearcat (CC): The module for oily rinse water

The patented process, which has received an award from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, separates organic impurities most effectively. Hydrocarbon concentrations in the distillate of < 10 mg/l can thus be achieved reliably - the use of a maintenance- and cost-intensive residual oil separator is completely eliminated and sustainable savings are achieved.

Activepowerclean (APC): The system for lower energy consumption

The proven APC system has been successfully used in our VACUDEST since 1998. The ceramic, fluidized bed continuously cleans the heat exchanger mechanically during the process. This significantly reduces the formation of deposits on the walls and hence drastically reduces energy and cleaning agent consumption.

E-service/remote maintenance: support from the specialists

The modern Vacutouch machine control system allows convenient remote access to the VACUDEST vacuum distillation system via the Internet. This enables H2O's service experts to provide fast and competent assistance remotely. This eliminates the need for more than 40 percent of all previously required unscheduled on-site visits by service technician. In this way, REKU Color reduces downtimes, increases system availability and reduces its service costs.



 VACUDEST bei Reku Color   Sustainable VACUDEST vacuum distillation system

Conclusion Mr. Ing. Markus Zott, Plant Manager at REKU Color:

"With the new powder coating system, we can cover everything from private customers to industrial companies and save ourselves a lot of time, transport and packaging costs. Our employees can concentrate on their actual tasks. H2O's new wastewater treatment plant helps us to manufacture in a sustainable, clean, and environmentally friendly way. The H2O service staff was very friendly and helpful and did a very good job. The VACUDEST also runs very reliably without much operator effort."

Wastewater-free production

The effective treatment of used rinse water can be particularly interesting for companies whose production is located in geographic areas with a problematic water supply. With sustainable recycling, it is possible to make production processes wastewater-free and thus make a significant contribution to conserving scarce water resources. H2O GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of systems for wastewater recycling. Today, 7 out of 10 H2O customers are already wastewater-free.



 Evaporation system with modern, modular VACUDEST system VACUDEST Energy recycling 


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+49 7627 9239-201


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Thomas Dotterweich
 Senior Sales Engineer

+49 7627 9239-306


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 Technical Customer Support

+49 7627 9239-888