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Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge.

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Join us for a short but exciting journey through 30 years of VACUDEST technology and more than 20 years of H2O.

1985 to 1990: The birth of the VACUDEST


Introduction of the product range vacuum distillation units at Mannesmann Demag Wittig


Construction of the first VACUDEST vacuum distillation unit for the treatment of solvents.

Registration of the brand VACUDEST

1990 to 2000: The founding period of H2O GmbH


Construction of the first VACUDEST vacuum distillation unit for the treatment of wastewater.


Taking over by Gardner Denver Inc. USA and founding of Gardner Denver Wittig GmbH


Management buy-out of the vacuum distillation branch of Gardner Denver Wittig through our management Frank Schlegel and Matthias Fickenscher thus founding of H2O GmbH.

Relocation to the bigger production facilities in Maulburg.

2000 to 2010: The time of the first patents and technologies


Presentation of our first VACUDEST with the self-cleaning heat exchanger Activepowerclean at the Hannover Trade Fair. Exactly what industry had been waiting for!

We are one of the "top 3" at the "International Best Factory Award" of the Export Academy Reutlingen, Germany.


We took pride in winning the Baden-Württemberg Promotion Award for Young Companies.


H2O takes over the customer care and the after sales service of the German company VacuTec.

VacuTec was part of Wagner Magnete and produced vacuum distillation systems.


The foundation stone for the first phase of construction on the 6.600 m² plot in Steinen was laid. In the seven following years we invested a total amount of 2.8 million Dollar in 3 phases of construction in our new production and office building.

The new building´s motto is "building is to believe in the future" – a zero liquid discharge future!


Relocation to the new office building and production facilities in Steinen.


20th anniversary of our trade mark VACUDEST.

Presentation of our new Clearcat series - crystal-clear distillate becomes true even when treating complex wastewater.

Our quality management system has been accredited according to ISO 9001:2000.


Introduction of the new VACUDEST series - easier maintenance and excellent acoustic insulation.


We celebrate 10 years of H2O.

Nomination of the VACUDEST Clearcat technology for the Environmental award of the German state Baden-Württemberg in the category "Emission reduction, treatment and separation".

We introduced our new convenient Vacutouch control panel – intuitionally operating.

The complete peripheral equipment is shown, additional remote control through ethernet or modem for simplified maintenance is possible.

2010 to 2019: The VACUDEST embarks on a global journey


25th anniversary of our trade mark VACUDEST. A reason to celebrate.

Founding of our subsidiary H2O Polska Sp. Z o.o. in Poland.


Founding of our sales office in Mexico.


We bring the double Destcontrol on the market. Our customers benefit from improved quality of the purified water and higher process reliability.


We introduce the new VACUDEST XXL. With a treatment capacity of 30,000 m³ / year it sets new standards in the market for energy-saving vacuum distillation systems.


Having actively implemented sustainability in the company as well as our products qualified us as an official partner of the Blue Competence sustainability initiative of the VDMA.

Establishment of our subsidiary H2O Kunshan in China.


30th anniversary of our VACUDEST vacuum distillation systems.


Foundation of the Swiss subsidiary H2O Suisse

2019 till today: New technologies and larger systems enter the market


Anniversary year: We celebrate 20 years H2O GmbH

Launch of our new VACUDEST XS Clearcat: Even our small units now achieve crystal-clear distillate

The first VACUDEST XL 16,000 leaves the production line of H2O GmbH. The system forms the 19th size to the VACUDEST series.

The extension building at the headquarters in Steinen is inaugurated: more space, modern technology and an even greater focus on sustainability enable "working for the future".


The new VACUDEST ZLD technology conquers the market. Users benefit from even better and more energy-efficient wastewater treatment and low disposal costs.


The year begins with a new innovation! To enable even more industries to become wastewater-free, we have developed our Purecat technology for drastic COD reduction. It improves the crystal-clear distillate of the Clearcat condensation stage by further 50 percent!


Commissioning of our 123 kWh electricity storage system. By utilising the surpluses from our photovoltaic system, we can significantly increase the level of self-consumption.

Installation of 6 public charging points for electric cars


The VACUDEST ZLD is now available for wastewater volumes from 2,100 to 16,000 m³/year.


We celebrate 25 years of H2O!

Well informed but still have questions?

Our experts have the answer.

Contact us now


You have questions on our VACUDEST systems?

Kindly contact us!


Your contact is:

Thomas Dotterweich
 Senior Sales Engineer

+49 7627 9239-306


You need consumables, spare parts or a maintenance date?

We will be pleased to assist you!


Your contact is:

Carles Fité
 Technical Customer Support

+49 7627 9239-888


You want to be part of our team and create the wastewater-free future with us?

We will tell you how!


Your contact is:

Bettina Böhringer
Human Resources

+49 7627 9239-201