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Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge.

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"As a company we take responsibility for people, society, the economy and the environment. We are aware of this particular responsibility and base our actions in management of our company on the following values." Matthias Fickenscher, CEO

As employers we take responsibility for people, society, the economy and the environment. We are aware of this particular responsibility and base our actions in management of our company on the following values.


Sustainability and Partnerships

Sustainable, cooperative, responsible thinking guides our actions.

For us, SUSTAINABILITY means accepting social, economical, and ecological responsibility. Our innovative products are used for the sustainable processing of industrial wastewater for zero wastewater manufacturing. With this, we make an active contribution to environmental protection and the conservation of resources. At the same time, our durable products are economic benefit that is expressed in effective cost savings. Our social engagement as a training partner includes the training and continuing education of our own technical specialists and managers, as well as the support we provide to local association and aid projects around the world. That's the reason why we are Alliance Partner from the sustainability initiative Blue Competence. By using the trademark “Blue Competence”, we commit ourselves to these twelve Sustainability Guidelines of the Mechanical Engineering Industry. 


Blue Competence Alliance Member Logo


With a corporate culture oriented toward PARTNERSHIP, we foster social connections with our employees, partners, and customers. Trust, fairness, and respect are at the center of our actions. A good working environment is a prerequisite for business success. We encourage a culture of excellence by accepting responsibility. We support our employees’ development with training and continuing education opportunities at our H2O Academy. Involving our employees in the company’s success is a matter of course for us.

Premium, Innovative Strength, and Efficiency

PREMIUM is the core value that characterizes the high quality of our products and services. As a result, we place special value on precision, attention to detail, and well-designed products. With the “German Engineering” quality standard, we develop high-quality, customer-specific system solutions. Our innovative skill and technological leadership give our customers the dependability of efficient production processes and the premium quality “Made in Germany”. Proactive consulting and service expertise as well as flexibility and speed in fulfilling customer requirements are our standard.

INNOVATIVE STRENGTH for us means the obligation, as a future-oriented systems provider, to develop for our customers the best and most sensible, intelligent, and simple solutions that are custom-tailored to their needs. Our incentive here is to develop safe solutions for our customers that really inspire them. With our broad portfolio of products and services, we offer our customers a wide selection of uncomplicated and fast solutions. Our service is therefore also oriented towards customer proximity.

EFFICIENCY is the driving value in the design of our technical processes. We use innovative technologies and products to make these processes simpler, faster, and more effective. As a technology leader, we place particular value on the on-going improvement of our development expertise in order to make our vision of a “zero waste water future” a reality. We pay particular attention to the energy efficiency of our vacuum distillation systems so that we can ensure economical operation with minimal costs for our customers. Innovative strength and a pioneering spirit are firmly rooted in our philosophy.

Dependability and Cost Effectiveness

DEPENDABILITY is our customers’ most important requirement and has various meanings. Our customers place value on secure investments and income dependability. Therefore, our services must be of particularly high quality and contribute a clear benefit. Our customers also want our systems and processes to function reliably, and to have confidence in the objective consulting that ensures them great cost savings. With our manufacturer’s guarantee “Made in Germany”, we want to make an active contribution to securing our location in Germany and the jobs of our employees.

COST EFFICIENCY to us means ensuring great cost savings for our customers with energy efficient, multi-optional, and flexible system solutions. Therefere, we ensure that you always receive the ideal innovative solution from us, coordinated to your requirements. Industrial standard solutions of inferior quality are nowhere to be found at H2O. With a pioneering spirit and the will to create products of the highest efficiency, we research the best and likewise simplest and most convenient solution for our customers. In doing so, we want to prepare a “complete worry-free package” for our customers on which they can rely at all times without fail.

Well informed but still have questions?

Our experts have the answer.

Contact us now


You have questions on our VACUDEST systems?

Kindly contact us!


Your contact is:

Thomas Dotterweich
 Senior Sales Engineer

+49 7627 9239-306


You need consumables, spare parts or a maintenance date?

We will be pleased to assist you!


Your contact is:

Carles Fité
 Technical Customer Support

+49 7627 9239-888


You want to be part of our team and create the wastewater-free future with us?

We will tell you how!


Your contact is:

Bettina Böhringer
Human Resources

+49 7627 9239-201