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Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge.

Wastewater treatment at Renault SAS Paris after the move to the new production site

Did you know that we also help with removals? No, we don't lug moving boxes from one flat to another. But we do save you a lot of moving stress when you move your production to a new location!

This is what happened recently with our client Renault SAS. The company moved its plant for the repair and reconditioning of engines and transmissions from the south to the west of Paris. More precisely, about 60 km further into its "Refactory" centre in Aubergenville.

The VACUDEST evaporator with all its tanks, pumps and peripherals also made this journey - but Renault had no work to do with it. Thanks to detailed planning, our re-engineering team, together with the transport company, ensured a smooth relocation of the complete wastewater treatment system. At the new location, we then adapted all elements to the available space by installing new piping. Now Renault can reliably treat its degreasing water again and reuse it in production.


Nevertheless, there was one small innovation for the move in addition to the proven wastewater treatment system: Renault opted for the new Smart Service Cockpits for the Vacutouch machine control system, which guarantee long-lasting high machine performance thanks to predictive maintenance and precise optimisation suggestions.

Are you also planning a move or would you like to make your wastewater treatment more effective? Your production has more modern, optimised processes and the composition of your wastewater has changed? We accompany large and small projects carefully, quickly and efficiently. So you can quickly get back to the important things: Your production.

Talk to our experts, we will be happy to advise you!



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You have questions on our VACUDEST systems?

Kindly contact us!


Your contact is:

Thomas Dotterweich
 Senior Sales Engineer

+49 7627 9239-306


You need consumables, spare parts or a maintenance date?

We will be pleased to assist you!


Your contact is:

Carles Fité
 Technical Customer Support

+49 7627 9239-888


You want to be part of our team and create the wastewater-free future with us?

We will tell you how!


Your contact is:

Bettina Böhringer
Human Resources

+49 7627 9239-201